Sunday, October 19, 2008

Worldview of the song American Pie by Don McLean

Even though McLean uses Christian terminology, the song American Pie is Secular Humanist.

The six worldview characteristics:
★God and the Universe: From the song, "The father, son, and the holy ghost, They caught the last train for the coast" illustrates that God is gone.

★Humanity and Identity: Humans do not have control over the world.
★Conflict and Suffering: The people search for music to save them. "Do you believe in rock 'n roll Can music save your mortal soul..."

★Hope and Redemption: "The jester stole his thorny crown" explains how Christ is not people's hope and redemption. On the other hand, the music is their ultimate hope.
★Values and Relationships: Again from the song, "if I had my chance That I could make those people dance And, maybe, they'd be happy for a while" seems to explain people should value happiness in their lives.

★Truth and Reality: Even though the role of the music is like "savior", music is not and it is slowly fading away.

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